
Home Multi-Risk Insurance

Our home insurance (MRH) offers you the best guarantees to effectively protect your property and the members of your household in the event of a loss, whether you are an owner or a tenant.

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Why Choose Our Home Insurance?

  • Monthly payments with no commitment

  • Comprehensive coverage from €7/month

  • Customizable deductible and movable property coverage

  • 24/7 assistance

  • The best guarantees in case of loss

  • Dedicated team of experts

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Coverage and Claims Covered by Our Home Insurance

  • Fire & Explosion

  • Electrical Damage

  • Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection

  • Weather Events

  • Theft and Vandalism

  • Glass Breakage

  • Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

  • Civil Liability

  • Legal Protection

  • Assistance

  • Defense and Claims

  • Outdoor Installations - Optional

Fire & Explosion
  • Fire & Explosion

    Your deep fryer catches fire and damages your kitchen. Your home insurance covers the compensation for your damaged property, including damages caused by the emergency services.

    Details of the Coverage

    Fire & Explosion

    What we cover:

    Material damage caused to insured property by:

    • Fire: meaning combustion with flames outside a normal hearth.
    • Smoke without fire, due to an accidental event.
    • Explosion and implosion: meaning the sudden and violent action of pressure or vacuum of gas or steam and the deflagration of explosives.
    • Direct lightning strike on the insured buildings.

    We cover, without deductible, the refilling of fire extinguishers used to fight a fire or a beginning of a fire.

    What we do not cover:

    • Damage caused by the explosion of dynamite or other explosives you may possess.
    • Burn damage caused by smokers.
    • Damage to objects falling into a hearth with flames.
    • Damage caused by smoke emissions from open fires outside or not connected to a chimney by a smoke evacuation duct.
    • Damage caused by heat without fire.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Electrical Damage

    Your computer is unusable due to a power surge. Your home insurance covers compensation at replacement value.

    Details of the Coverage

    Electrical Damage

    What we cover:


    Direct material damage resulting from the action of electricity (short circuit or power surge):

    • To the electrical installation of the insured buildings.
    • To the insured buildings themselves and to the devices (heating, controlled mechanical ventilation, alarms...) integrated into them.

    Direct material damage caused to your electrical and electronic devices (household appliances, televisions, VCRs, hi-fi systems, computers...) by a short circuit or a power surge.

    What we do not cover:

    • Damage resulting from breakdowns suffered by the devices due to wear and tear, poor maintenance, or inappropriate use.
    • Damage to the contents of all household appliances and computer equipment (loss of foodstuffs, loss of data) as well as the costs of file reconstruction.
    • Damage caused to motorized toys and garden motor equipment.
    • Lamps, fuses, electronic tubes, resistors, batteries.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection

    Your washing machine overflows and damages your furniture. Your home insurance covers compensation at replacement value.

    Details of the Coverage

    Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection

    What we cover:

    When located inside the buildings covered by the contract, we cover the insured property against direct material damage caused by water when it comes from:

    Accidental leaks, breaks, or overflows of water from:

    • Sanitary appliances such as bathtubs and sinks or sanitary seals around these installations;
    • Water effect appliances such as washing machines, radiators, boilers, etc.;
    • Containers such as aquariums and refrigerator trays;
    • Gutters and downspouts;
    • Non-buried pipes, including pipes embedded in the ground or wall or passing through a crawl space serving the building;
    • Water infiltration through roofs, terraces and balconies, facades;
    • Backflow from your pipes inside your home;
    • The action of freezing on the pipes and appliances connected to them, located inside the insured closed and covered buildings.

    We also cover the costs of leak detection:

    In case of covered damage only, we cover the costs of leak detection. In other words, when a leak occurs in a pipe embedded inside or beneath an insured building, we cover the breaking and repair costs required for leak detection, within the limits specified in the coverage table.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Weather Events

    Following a storm, the roof of your home is blown off by strong winds, and the rain damages your bedding. Your home insurance covers your bedding and your roof if you are the owner.

    Details of the Coverage

    Weather Events

    What we cover


    We cover direct material damage caused to insured property (buildings and contents) by the direct action of the wind, or by the impact of an object overturned or thrown by the wind (such as a tree).
    The wind must be strong enough to damage well-constructed buildings located in the municipality of the insured residence or in neighboring municipalities. To prove this, you can provide a local newspaper article, a certificate from the emergency services, or from the nearest weather station.


    We cover direct material damage caused to insured buildings (roofs, gutters, downspouts, facades, shutters, and doors, in particular) by the direct action of hail.
    This phenomenon must be strong enough to destroy, break, or damage in the municipality where the damaged property is located, buildings of construction and covering quality comparable to that of the insured buildings.


    We cover direct material damage caused by an avalanche to insured buildings (and their contents).


    We cover direct material damage caused by the weight of snow or ice accumulated on roofs, or by the fall of a tree on the building caused by the weight of the snow.
    These phenomena must be intense enough to destroy, break, or damage, in the municipality where the damaged property is located or in neighboring municipalities, a number of buildings of construction and covering quality comparable to that of the insured buildings.


    We cover direct material damage caused to insured property (buildings and contents) by water damage when the insured buildings are damaged by a storm, hail, or the weight of snow or ice, and within the 72-hour period following the occurrence of the loss.


    We cover direct material damage caused by the action of freezing on the pipes and appliances connected to them, located inside the insured buildings.


    We cover direct material damage caused to insured property (buildings and contents) by flooding following storms, waterspouts, storms, and tornadoes, accompanied by precipitation of such intensity that they cause, within 48 hours of their occurrence:

    • The overflow of watercourses or bodies of water, natural or artificial, as well as the rise of groundwater.
    • The backflow of sewers and underground pipes.
    • Surface runoff.
    • Mudslides.

    However, the coverage does not apply when the buildings have already suffered two (2) floods in the last ten (10) years.

    What we do not cover

    • Repetitive damage, i.e., damage resulting from the same cause as a previous loss and whose repair is your responsibility and has not been carried out.
    • Damage resulting from wear and tear or lack of maintenance or repair known to you and your responsibility, such as:Failure to maintain closure devices for openings.Damage caused by seas and oceans.Damage resulting from events classified as natural disasters or technological disasters by the competent administrative authority and covered under these guarantees.Damage caused to furniture located outdoors or in buildings that are not fully enclosed or covered, and their contents.Damage caused to buildings not anchored to the ground, and their contents.Damage caused to awnings, outdoor tarps, and solar sensors not incorporated into the roof.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Theft and Vandalism

    You go away for the weekend. Upon your return, you find that your door has been forced open and some of your belongings have been stolen: your home insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Coverage

    Theft and Vandalism

    What we cover

    We cover the disappearance, destruction, or deterioration of insured property only if it is located inside the insured building, as well as property damage caused to insured buildings and outbuildings resulting from theft, attempted theft, or an act of vandalism committed under the following circumstances:

    • By breaking and entering;
    • By climbing when the opening is more than 3 meters from the ground;
    • With violence and threats to people present.

    Only the consequences of acts of vandalism committed inside the insured buildings during a guaranteed theft or attempted theft are covered.

    We also cover the disappearance, destruction, or deterioration of the gate or gate door and their accessories within the limit mentioned in the coverage table. Only the consequences of acts of vandalism committed on these same items during a guaranteed theft or attempted theft are covered.

    What we do not cover

    • Theft, attempted theft, or vandalism committed by an insured person or a member of their family (ascendants, descendants, etc.).
    • Theft committed in a shared communal area (e.g., a bike room in a collective building).
    • Theft of jewelry and valuables committed in outbuildings and verandas.
    • Theft committed without breaking and entering, using keys left outside the insured buildings in a noticeable and easily accessible place (mailbox, under a doormat, etc.).
    • Theft of valuables located in premises without direct communication with the insured building.
    • Theft of items in the open air (garden, balcony, terrace, etc.).
    • Theft of car keys.
    • Damage and inscriptions other than those resulting from theft or attempted theft (graffiti and tags) on insured buildings and outbuildings.
    • Inscriptions (tags and graffiti in particular) on the fence elements of the land, on the gate or gate door, and their accessories.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Glass Breakage

    Your stepladder accidentally falls on your window and breaks it. Your home insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Coverage

    Glass Breakage

    What we cover

    We cover accidental breakage of glass elements and products made of transparent or translucent plastic (performing the same functions):

    • Doors, windows, and roof windows of insured buildings in communication with the outside;
    • Balcony and railing walls;
    • Canopies;
    • Verandas;
    • Mirrors fixed to walls;
    • Solar panels;

    when they are an integral part of the insured buildings.

    We also cover accidental breakage of glass and mirrors of insured movable property located in the insured dwelling.

    What we do not cover

    • Breakage of greenhouses.
    • Breakage of glass parts of shower and bathtub cabins and walls.
    • Scratches, chips, and nicks, deterioration of silvering or paint.
    • Damage resulting from the age of the installation or obvious lack of maintenance.
    • Damage occurring during installation, removal, or renovation work.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

    An earthquake damages your home. A natural disaster decree is published in the Official Journal. Your home insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Coverage

    Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

    What we cover

    In accordance with and within the limits of the insurance obligation established by law no. 82-600 of July 13, 1982, direct material damage caused to insured real estate and personal property by the "abnormal intensity of a natural agent." The guarantee is activated after the publication of an interministerial decree in the Official Journal of the French Republic acknowledging the state of natural disaster.

    Activation of the guarantee

    The guarantee can only be activated after the publication of an interministerial decree in the Official Journal of the French Republic acknowledging the state of natural disaster.

    Scope of the guarantee

    The guarantee covers the cost of direct, non-insurable material damage suffered by the property, up to their value as specified in the contract and within the limits and conditions provided by the contract at the first manifestation of the risk.

    We also cover

    The costs of clearing, demolition, and transportation of debris within the limits provided in the coverage table for ancillary costs.

    What we do not cover

    • Additional guarantees (loss of use, financial loss of the insured co-owner, reimbursement of mortgage loan installments, compliance costs, construction damage insurance, architect fees).
    • Properties built on land classified as non-buildable by a foreseeable natural risk prevention plan approved under the conditions provided by law no. 87-565 of July 22, 1987, relating to the organization of civil security, forest fire protection, and major risk prevention, unless the property existed before the publication of this plan.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Civil Liability

    You bump into a pedestrian while running. They fall, get injured, and break their glasses. The civil liability of your home insurance covers the compensation for their damages.

    Details of the Coverage

    Civil Liability

    What we cover

    The financial consequences of the civil liability that you may incur in your private life, due to bodily and material damages resulting from harm caused to a third party.

    We also cover immaterial damages only when they are the result of covered material and/or bodily damage.

    When your liability is jointly or “in solidum” engaged, we cover the financial consequences within the limit of your share of responsibility in relation to the co-authors of the damage.

    What we do not cover

    • Damage caused by any wild animal, even if domesticated, and by dogs whose ownership is subject to restrictive conditions under articles L.211-12 to L.211-16 of the Rural Code.
    • Damage caused or suffered by a motorized land vehicle, its trailers, semi-trailers, and attached land devices, a sailboat or motorboat, an aircraft, or a drone of categories B to G (decree of April 11, 2012, article 4) when the Insured owns, drives, or is responsible for them (however, your liability and that of the insured minor child remain covered if they use, without your knowledge or the knowledge of the person responsible for it, a vehicle that you do not own, rent, or have been entrusted with in any way).
    • Damage to property that is rented, loaned, or entrusted to the insured.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Legal Protection

    Your neighbor is a beginner musician. He plays the drums every evening from 10 PM on his terrace. Your home insurance steps in to defend you.

    Details of the Coverage

    Legal Protection

    What we cover

    We intervene in case of a dispute related to your status as a tenant or owner during the validity period of the contract, in the areas of law related to rental agreements and property rights:

    • Not resulting from an event known to you before it takes effect.
    • Not resulting from an intentional or fraudulent fault on the part of any insured person, or their involvement in intentional offenses against persons or property.
    • Where the stakes for you reach or exceed the threshold mentioned in the coverage table of your contract.

    What we do not cover

    We do not intervene when:

    • Your request is legally untenable, prescribed, or when its stakes are below the intervention threshold.
    • The harmful event or reprehensible act at the origin of the dispute is brought to your attention before the effective date or after the termination of your contract.

    Disputes related to:

    • Motor vehicles (land, air, or water).
    • Real estate works requiring, in whole or in part, a building permit.
    • Defects in your main residence that fall under the perfect completion guarantee, the two-year guarantee, or the ten-year builder's guarantee.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Assistance

    You are on vacation in Costa Rica, and a fire breaks out at your home. The assistance service arranges your repatriation and can set up security measures as an emergency response.

    Details of the Coverage


    You are on vacation in Costa Rica, and a fire breaks out at your home. The assistance service arranges your repatriation and can set up security measures as an emergency response.

    Following a leak in the heating system, your home becomes uninhabitable. The assistance service arranges temporary accommodation for you for 5 days.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Defense and Claims

    In the organic fruit and vegetable section, you are bumped by a shopping cart operated by another customer. You damaged your coat in the fall. Your home insurance steps in to present your claim to the responsible party.

    Details of the Coverage

    Defense and Claims

    What we cover

    Following an accident caused by a third party, we commit, at your request, to amicably seek financial compensation for material and bodily damages caused in your private life.

    If no agreement is reached and legal action becomes necessary, we cover the legal fees and your lawyer's fees within the contractual limits outlined below.

    What we do not cover

    • Success fees (fees proportional to the amount awarded by a court).
    • Representation or postulation fees if the lawyer you have chosen is not registered with the bar of the competent court.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Outdoor Installations - Optional

    Hail damages your garden shed. Your home insurance covers the compensation for the damages.

    Details of the Coverage

    Outdoor Installations - Optional

    Covered Property

    • Fixed or sealed real estate improvements or equipment on the land: terraces, electrical installations, lighting, paved paths, wells, pumps, automatic irrigation systems, play structures, built-in and sealed barbecues, pergolas, gazebos, kiosks...
    • Swimming pools, including their accessories (cover, robot, heat pump...) when their presence is mentioned in the special conditions.
    • Hedges, trees, and shrubs.
    • Jacuzzis and spas as well as their rigid shelter anchored to the ground by foundations, substructures, or masonry bases.
    • Garden furniture including the garden shed not anchored to the ground (up to 50% of the Swimming Pool and Outdoor Installations capital).

    In the event of a natural disaster, compensation for all built improvements on the land (fence walls, swimming pool...) will be according to the terms of the "Home Guarantees" and not up to the capital of this "Outdoor Installations" option.

    What we cover

    • Lightning strike, fire, or explosion.
    • Collision with an identified or unidentified land vehicle.
    • Impact by an aircraft or an object falling from space.
    • Storm (under the same conditions as the insured buildings), hail, flood.
    • Natural disaster.

    For pools: What we do not cover

    • Inscriptions (tags and graffiti in particular) on the land’s real estate improvements.
    • Damage resulting from obvious lack of maintenance.
    • Damage to greenhouses.
    • Theft of garden furniture and garden shed not anchored to the ground, as well as its contents.
    • Costs of leak detection and repairs on pool pipes and circuits.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

Home Insurance with Customizable Guarantees

For complete and tailor-made protection, customize your home insurance and enjoy total peace of mind.

  • Value of Property to Protect

    Choose the amount of movable property and valuable items to insure.

  • Amount of Deductible

    Choose the amount of your deductible, i.e., the costs you will bear in the event of a loss.

  • Monthly or Annual?

    Do you prefer to pay your home insurance every month? Or once a year? The choice is yours!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I am a tenant. Do I need to insure myself and take out home insurance?

    You must at least insure your tenant liability. This is a legal obligation. Additionally, it is recommended to insure your own belongings (furniture, personal effects, etc.) which may be damaged in the event of a loss in your home (e.g., water damage or fire).

  • I am already insured. Can I take out Assurimo home insurance?

    Thanks to the Hamon law, if you have been insured for more than 12 months, you can cancel your current contract to take out Assurimo home insurance. And the good news is, you won't have to do anything: Assurimo will handle the process for you! If you have been insured for less than 12 months, we invite you to contact your insurer to see the cancellation conditions.

  • How do I take out my Assurimo home insurance online?

    Thanks to the online subscription process available at After entering information about your housing project (type of accommodation, address, specifics, etc.), you will be able to discover the rate we offer for your home insurance. You can then customize this insurance (amount of coverage, deductible, etc.) and subscribe with a simple bank card.

  • How do I obtain my Assurimo home insurance certificate online?

    Once you have paid for your Assurimo home insurance online, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to your customer area: in 2 clicks, you can download your insurance certificate.

  • Can I include other people on my Assurimo home insurance contract?

    Yes, you can include members of your household (spouse, child(ren), roommate(s), etc.). As you are civilly responsible for minor and/or adult children in your care, they are covered by your home insurance. In fact, your home insurance provides for a Civil Liability extension to children, and this coverage applies both during and outside of school periods.

  • Are my children covered by Assurimo home insurance during extracurricular activities?

    Yes, your children are covered for damages caused to others. For example, if during a dance class, your child bumps into a classmate and breaks their glasses, the Civil Liability guarantee of the contract will apply.

  • I have a pet. Is it covered by Assurimo home insurance?

    Only companion pets (cats, dogs) are covered for damages they may cause to third parties. Be aware, there are coverage restrictions for certain categories of dogs (e.g., attack dogs).

  • Are my jewelry items covered by Assurimo's multi-risk home insurance?

    The multi-risk home insurance contract covers your standard furniture as well as your valuable items, including jewelry, within the limit of a ceiling set out in the specific provisions of the insurance contract. Therefore, we invite you to be vigilant about the amount of capital you declare (standard furniture and valuable items) when taking out the insurance.

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