
Non-Occupant Owner Insurance

Are you the owner of a property that you rent out all or part of the year? Protect your real estate even if you don't occupy it!

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Why choose our Non-Occupant Owner (PNO) insurance?

  • Simplified pricing among the best on the market

  • A modern and tailor-made product

  • The best guarantees in case of a loss

  • Dedicated team of experts

  • In compliance with the ALUR law

  • Coverage valid all year round

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Covered Guarantees and Claims

  • Water Damage and Leak Detection

  • Weather Events

  • Fire & Explosion

  • Theft and Vandalism

  • Glass Breakage

  • Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

  • Civil Liability

  • Criminal Defense and Claims

  • Electrical Damage

Water Damage and Leak Detection
  • Water Damage and Leak Detection

    Between two rentals, your secondary residence suffers water infiltration through closed windows, damaging the wall decorations. Your PNO insurance covers compensation at replacement value.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Water Damage and Leak Detection

    What we cover

    When located inside the buildings covered by the insurance, we cover the insured property against direct material damage caused by water and other liquids:

    • Accidental leaks, breaks, or overflows of water, including those caused by freezing from:
    • - Unburied water supply and distribution pipes, rainwater and wastewater evacuation pipes, gutters, and downspouts,
      - Central heating installations, water or steam, except for buried pipes,
      - Water-effect appliances that are part of fixed installations, as well as washing machines or dishwashers.
    • Overflows, backflows, and blockages of sewers and cesspools connected to a channeled evacuation network.
    • Infiltration or entry of water through closed openings, chimney flues, ventilation ducts, technical shafts.
    • Accidental water infiltration caused by rain, hail, snow, freezing, or thawing through building covers, terrace roofs, covering balconies, terraces, loggias with specific waterproofing, skylights, chimney stacks, fascia boards; through facades and gable walls; through waterproof joints around sanitary installations as well as through tiles.
    • Runoff water from courtyards, gardens, public or private roads.

    We also cover the costs of leak detection: In the case of covered damages only, we cover the costs of leak detection. In other words, when a leak occurs in a pipe embedded inside or beneath an insured building, we cover the breaking and repair costs required for leak detection, within the limits specified in the coverage table.

    What we do not cover

    • Damage due to humidity, condensation, or fogging, unless resulting from the breakage, leak, or overflow of a pipe, duct, or water-effect appliance, except as provided above.
    • Repair costs for pipes, gutters, downspouts, installations, and water-effect appliances, except in cases of freezing or if caused by leak or infiltration detection.
    • Damage directly or indirectly caused by floods from natural or artificial bodies of water, streams, springs, except as provided above.
    • Damage resulting from a permanent and intentional lack of maintenance or essential repairs incumbent upon the Insured (except in cases of force majeure).
    • Damage caused to the decorations of the co-owner or owner who deliberately leaves their property vacant, i.e., without re-renting it.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Weather Events

    Following a storm, your tenant informs you that a fallen tree has damaged the roof of your property. Your non-occupant owner insurance covers your roof.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Weather Events

    What we cover

    We cover material damage caused to insured property by the direct action of:

    • Wind or the impact of an object overturned or thrown by the wind,
    • Hail on buildings,
    • The weight of snow (or ice) accumulated on buildings.

    When these phenomena are of such intensity that they destroy, break, or damage a certain number of well-constructed buildings in the municipality of the insured risk or in neighboring municipalities.

    This guarantee also extends to water damage caused by rain, snow, or hail when this rain, snow, or hail penetrates the interior of the insured building - or containing the insured objects - due to its partial or total destruction by the direct action of wind, hail on roofs, or snow accumulated on roofs, provided that the water damage occurred within 48 hours following the moment of partial or total destruction of the insured building.

    What we do not cover

    • Damage resulting from a lack of essential repairs or maintenance incumbent upon the Insured.
    • Damage caused directly or indirectly, even in case of a storm, by runoff water, blockage and backflow of sewers, floods, tidal waves, tides, overflow of springs, watercourses, and, more generally, by the sea and other natural or artificial bodies of water, as well as by moving masses of snow or ice.
    • Damage to the following buildings and their contents:
      - Buildings whose construction or roofing includes, in any proportion, sheets of any kind not installed and fixed according to standard practices;
      - Buildings closed with tarpaulins or whose construction or roofing includes, in any proportion, materials such as cardboard or bituminous felt, tarred cloth or paper, plastic sheets or films, not fixed on panels or close boarding according to standard practices.
    • Damage:
      - To awnings, advertising panels, overhead wires, and their supports;
      - To construction or roofing glass elements and parts, as well as those resulting from their partial or total destruction.
    • Damage caused by wind to constructions whose load-bearing elements are not anchored according to standard practices in foundations, substructures, as well as damage to the contents of such constructions.
    • Equipment, goods, personal furniture, located outdoors.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Fire & Explosion

    Between two rentals, a fire starts in the kitchen of your secondary residence due to a short circuit. Your non-occupant owner insurance covers compensation for your damaged property, including damage caused by emergency services.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Fire & Explosion

    What we cover

    Damage, including that caused by any rescue measures, resulting from one of the following events:

    • Fire, meaning combustion with flames outside a normal hearth;
    • Lightning strike on insured property;
    • Explosions and water hammer from steam appliances;
    • Explosion is defined as the sudden and violent action of pressure or depression of gases or vapors;
    • Impact or fall on insured property of all or part of aircraft and spacecraft or objects falling from them, as well as the shockwave accompanying the passage of a flying object;
    • Impact from an identified land vehicle;
    • Impact from an unidentified land vehicle, subject to a police report;
    • Destruction of the insured building(s) ordered by public authorities to prevent the spread of fire;
    • Smoke damage regardless of origin.

    The guarantee extends to damage affecting trees and plants that are part of the Insured's property.

    We cover material damage suffered by insured property caused by the collapse, sudden and unexpected fall of all or part of walls, retaining walls, substructures, roofs, ceilings, and interior fittings, necessitating the replacement or reconstruction of the damaged part.

    We cover damage caused by rescue measures, movement, or destruction taken to stop the progress of the loss, as well as damage caused by water or any other product used to extinguish the fire, by smoke from the loss, or by firefighter actions.

    What we do not cover

    • Destruction or deterioration of currency, securities, valuables, and banknotes, belonging to or entrusted to the Insured, their family, or people living with them.
    • Theft of insured items during a fire.
    • Deterioration resulting from an inherent defect, manufacturing defect, fermentation, or slow oxidation (only losses due to live combustion are covered).
    • Damage caused to decorations of the co-owner or owner who deliberately leaves their property vacant, i.e., without re-renting it.
    • Damage from the impact of motor vehicles belonging to you.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Theft and Vandalism

    The tenant of your furnished rental property informs you that in their absence, the door was forced open and your video and sound equipment was stolen. Your non-occupant owner insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Theft and Vandalism

    What we cover


    We cover property damage, decorations, and various installations owned by or co-owned by the insured, caused to your buildings when the sole purpose is theft or attempted theft, including damage to fences, gates, and alarm systems.

    We cover the theft of insured furniture committed inside the rented buildings in case of break-in, climbing, or use of false keys.


    By an act of vandalism, we mean any voluntary damage, deterioration, or destruction caused to insured property by one or more persons other than the insured.


    The Company covers all damages caused to insured property under this contract resulting from acts of terrorism or sabotage, attacks, riots, or popular movements (Law of September 9, 1986).

    What we do not cover

    • Disappearances, destruction, and deterioration resulting from theft or attempted theft committed during a fire, explosion, or flood affecting the building containing the insured property.
    • Theft and property damage committed by members of your family referred to in article 311.12 of the Penal Code.
    • Property damage to mailboxes and theft of their contents.
    • Theft or acts of vandalism committed or caused by your tenants, subtenants, or boarders.
    • Theft in individual cellars of a collective building.
    • Theft committed in premises that are not fully enclosed and covered.
    • Theft committed in the common areas of a collective building.
    • Theft occurring during the evacuation of buildings containing insured property ordered by authorities.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Glass Breakage

    Your neighbor's ball accidentally breaks a window in your secondary residence that you rent out year-round. Your Non-Occupant Owner insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Glass Breakage

    What we cover

    We cover material damage if it results from:

    • The unintentional act of the Insured,
    • The act of their tenants in the absence of their insurer's intervention,
    • Theft, attempted theft, or a fight,
    • Construction defects or settling of buildings,
    • Object projection,
    • Hail, solar or artificial heat,
    • Storm, hurricane, waterspout, or cyclone,
    • Breaking the sound barrier.

    What we do not cover

    The following are excluded:

    • Greenhouses, aquarium glass
    • Removable, mobile, or hung mirrors, and more generally, all glassware items, such as chandeliers, globes, cloches, light bulbs
    • Fireplace insert glass, oven doors, cooking plates
    • Breakages occurring during work carried out on the objects or their frames (except simple cleaning)
    • Breakages caused by installation defects, wear and tear, or lack of maintenance
    • Scratches, chips, or flakes, deterioration of silvering and paints
    • Objects broken or cracked prior to the effective date of this guarantee
    • Damage to pool covers

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

    An earthquake damages the house you have rented out year-round. A natural disaster decree is published in the Official Journal. Your non-occupant owner insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

    What we cover


    Financial compensation for direct material damage to all insured property caused by the abnormal intensity of a natural agent. The guarantee can only be activated after the publication of an interministerial decree in the Official Journal of the French Republic acknowledging the state of natural disaster.


    All accidental damage suffered by insured property resulting from a technological disaster.

    Full reimbursement of demolition, clearing, pumping, disinfection, decontamination, and cleaning costs.

    The guarantee is activated after the publication in the Official Journal of the French Republic of the administrative authority's decision acknowledging the state of technological disaster.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Civil Liability

    A pipe in your vacant rental property burst, damaging the tenant's sofa and carpet. Your Non-Occupant Owner insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Civil Liability

    What we cover

    For the non-occupant owner of a property, civil liability is the obligation to repair damages for which they are held responsible, caused to the tenant of said property, neighbors, and third parties.

    The insurer guarantees the financial consequences of the liability that the insured may incur as a non-occupant (co-)owner of the insured buildings, due to bodily, material, and immaterial damages caused:

    • To your tenants;
    • To co-owners;
    • To neighbors and other third parties;

    and resulting from:

    • The insured persons;
    • The insured buildings;
    • The grounds, courtyards, and gardens adjoining and rented with the property, the plants and installations found there, including pools and water features;
    • The insured movable property.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Criminal Defense and Claims

    The neighbor of the house you have rented out cut down a tree in their garden, and it fell on your shared wall. It needs to be largely rebuilt. Your insurance covers presenting your claim to the responsible party.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Criminal Defense and Claims

    Our commitments

    • To seek, either amicably or before any court, financial compensation for bodily, material, and immaterial damages caused by: an accident, fire, explosion, or water, and engaging the responsibility of someone other than the Insured, their spouse, their ascendants and descendants, their associates during joint activities, their employees during their service.
    • To defend the Insured when their criminal liability is engaged before a court in France, following damage for which they are the author or responsible, and to cover the legal costs incurred for this defense. This extension can only apply exclusively following damage covered under the "Civil Liability" insurance.

    What we do not cover

    Fines or other penalties or financial judgments.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Electrical Damage

    The toaster provided to the tenant in your furnished property overheated, damaging the kitchen countertop, which needs to be replaced. Your Non-Occupant Owner insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the Guarantee

    Electrical Damage

    What we cover

    We cover material damage caused to electrical or electronic appliances and installations left for the tenant's use, by:

    • Their own electrical operation;
    • Lightning;
    • Fire, explosion, or implosion, originating inside these appliances.

    What we do not cover

    The following damages are explicitly excluded from the above guarantees:

    • To fuses, heating resistors, lamps of all kinds, electronic tubes, electronic components;
    • To buried electrical pipes (i.e., those requiring excavation work for access);
    • Caused by wear and tear, lack of maintenance, any mechanical malfunction, or any machine breakage;
    • To motors, from an explosion originating inside these machines;
    • That may result from disturbances in production caused by direct damage covered by this guarantee;
    • To property belonging to tenants.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What does PNO / CNO mean?

    PNO stands for "Propriétaire Non Occupant" (Non-Occupant Owner) and CNO stands for "Copropriétaire Non Occupant" (Non-Occupant Co-Owner). These owners own a property (an apartment in a condominium or a single-family house), but do not live in it. It is a property exclusively intended for rental.

  • What is Non-Occupant Owner (PNO) insurance?

    PNO insurance is coverage intended for property owners who do not occupy their properties themselves. It protects the owner against various risks such as fire, water damage, and the owner's civil liability for a property (and not the civil liability for private life, which covers everyday acts).

  • Why take out PNO insurance?

    Taking out PNO insurance allows the non-occupant owner to provide optimal protection for their real estate even if it is vacant. Indeed, some losses are not covered by the building's multi-risk insurance or the tenant's standard home insurance. It thus offers additional protection for the owner in case of losses, whether the property is rented out or not.

  • What risks are covered by PNO insurance?

    PNO insurance is designed to cover a property owner for their rented property. It aims to cover, among other things, water damage caused by your installations and equipment in the absence of intervention by the building's insurer. PNO insurance can cover furniture damage (if it's furnished) and painting damage. PNO insurance generally covers: - Fires - Natural disasters - Vandalism - Owner's civil liability - Electrical damage - Glass breakage

  • Am I properly insured with PNO insurance between rentals?

    The tenant's vacancy is covered by the Non-Occupant Owner (PNO) insurance, which will allow intervention in case of loss during this period.

  • Is PNO insurance mandatory?

    PNO insurance is not mandatory for owners, but it is highly recommended. However, if the property is in a condominium, there is a mandatory civil liability insurance requirement according to the ALUR law. PNO insurance offers comprehensive protection, including property damage. If the property is a single-family house outside a condominium, there is no insurance requirement.

  • What is the difference between PNO insurance and home insurance?

    Home insurance mainly covers risks for the occupants of the dwelling, whether they are owners or tenants. PNO insurance, on the other hand, is specifically intended for owners who do not occupy their property. It fills in the gaps of the tenant's insurance or the building's multi-risk insurance and protects the owner against risks inherent in non-occupation.

  • My condominium building is insured. Do I need to take out Non-Occupant Owner (PNO) insurance for my rental apartment?

    Even if the Building Multi-Risk insurance can guarantee the non-occupant owner in compliance with the ALUR law, taking out Non-Occupant Owner (PNO) insurance is a safeguard when the building's insurance contract is not fully controlled (possibility of deductibles, exclusions, limitations of guarantees...).

  • What is the cost of PNO insurance?

    The cost of PNO insurance varies depending on several criteria: the nature of the property, its value, the chosen guarantees, and the insurer. On average, the cost ranges from €100 to €300 per year. Assurimo's PNO insurance is offered from €81 including VAT per year.

  • How to choose PNO insurance?

    To choose PNO insurance, it is recommended to: - Compare offers and rates from several insurers - Check included guarantees and exclusions - Read the general and special conditions of the contract carefully - Take into account customer reviews and the insurer's reputation

  • How to subscribe to Assurimo's PNO insurance?

    Thanks to the online process available at, you can subscribe to Assurimo's PNO insurance in a few clicks. After entering information about your property (address, type of housing, etc.), you will discover the rate we offer (from €81 including VAT per year). You can then subscribe with a simple bank card. If you are already insured, Assurimo will take care of canceling your current home insurance with your insurer.

  • Is it possible to cancel PNO insurance to subscribe to Assurimo's home insurance?

    Yes, it is possible to cancel your home insurance by respecting the conditions and deadlines provided by law and the contract. Thanks to the Hamon law, if you have been insured for more than 12 months, you have the option to cancel your current contract to subscribe to Assurimo's PNO insurance. And the good news is, you won't have to do anything: Assurimo will take care of canceling your current contract! If you have been insured for less than 12 months, we invite you to contact your insurer to see the cancellation conditions.

  • How to declare a loss to Assurimo's PNO insurance?

    To declare a loss, contact Assurimo as soon as possible (usually within 5 working days): - Online in your customer area ( - By phone: 04 72 77 89 10 - By email: Provide a detailed description of the facts, photos of the damage, and all necessary documents (invoices, repair estimates, etc.). Respect the declaration deadlines stipulated in your contract. We then invite you to cooperate with the appointed expert to assess the damage and follow the insurer's instructions for the quickest possible repair or compensation.

  • Does PNO insurance cover unpaid rents?

    No, PNO insurance generally does not cover unpaid rents. To protect against this risk, there are specific insurances such as unpaid rent guarantee (GLI).

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