
Building Multi-Risk Insurance

Co-owners, offer your building optimal protection at the best price, to protect yourself in case of losses in the common areas.

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Why choose our multi-risk condominium insurance?

  • Among the best rates on the market

  • Adjustable deductible for tailor-made insurance

  • The best guarantees in case of loss

  • Dedicated team of experts

  • Partner of the largest French insurers

  • Quick intervention thanks to claims management delegation

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Covered guarantees and claims:

  • Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection

  • Weather Events

  • Fire, Explosion, Electrical Damage

  • Theft and Vandalism

  • Glass Breakage

  • Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

  • Civil Liability

  • Defense Claims

  • Machinery Breakdown

Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection
  • Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection

    A pipe in the building bursts due to freezing, flooding the building's cellars. The condominium insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the guarantee

    Water Damage, Freezing, and Leak Detection

    What we cover

    Material damage caused by water and other liquids (including fuel oil), including that caused by any rescue measures, resulting from one of the following events:

    • Accidental leaks, breaks, and overflows, including those caused by freezing, from:
      - Unburied water supply and distribution pipes, rainwater and wastewater evacuation pipes, gutters, and downspouts;
      - Central heating installations, water or steam, except for buried pipes;
      - Water-effect appliances that are part of fixed installations as well as washing machines or dishwashers;
      - Sprinkler systems.
    • Overflows, backflows, and blockages of sewers and cesspools connected to a channeled evacuation network.
    • Infiltration or entry of water through closed openings, provided that damage to the occupant's private movable property is excluded.
    • Accidental water infiltration caused by rain, hail, snow, freezing, or thawing through building covers, terrace roofs, covering balconies, terraces, loggias, skylights, chimney stacks, and fascia boards.
    • Infiltration or entry of water through chimney flues, ventilation ducts, technical shafts.
    • Infiltration through facades and gable walls. This guarantee will apply exclusively:
      - If it is indeed the first infiltration through the walls at that location;
      - If the Insured provides proof to the Insurer that the necessary work to stop the infiltrations has been carried out, this work remaining at their expense, and the Insurer reserving the right to have any control carried out by its expert. The repair of the damaged parts can only be carried out after complete drying and execution of the aforementioned work.
    • Accidental infiltration through waterproof joints around sanitary installations as well as through tiles.
    • Runoff water from courtyards, gardens, public or private roads.

    Leak detection costs are also covered. A leak detection involves destructive work by a professional when visual inspection has not detected it. The reimbursement of costs necessary for leak detection and the restoration of damaged insured property due to this detection are guaranteed. Techniques to avoid destructive leak detection will also be covered if they are economically more advantageous.

    What we do not cover

    • Damage due to humidity, condensation, or fogging, unless resulting from the breakage, leak, or overflow of a pipe, duct, or water-effect appliance, except as provided above.
    • Repair costs for pipes, gutters, downspouts, installations, and water-effect appliances, except in cases of freezing or if caused by leak or infiltration detection.
    • Damage directly or indirectly caused by floods from natural or artificial bodies of water, streams, springs, except as provided above.
    • Damage resulting from a permanent and intentional lack of maintenance or essential repairs incumbent upon the Insured (except in cases of force majeure).
    • Damage caused to the decorations of the co-owner or owner who deliberately leaves their property vacant and the occupying co-owner.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Weather Events

    A storm causes the collapse of a chimney onto the roof of the condominium building: part of the roof needs to be rebuilt. The building multi-risk insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the guarantee

    Weather Events

    What we cover

    Material damage caused to insured property by the direct action of:

    • Wind or the impact of an object overturned or thrown by the wind,
    • Hail on buildings,
    • The weight of snow (or ice) accumulated on buildings.

    When these phenomena are of such intensity that they destroy, break, or damage a certain number of well-constructed buildings in the municipality of the insured risk or in neighboring municipalities.

    This guarantee also extends to water damage caused by rain, snow, or hail when this rain, snow, or hail penetrates the interior of the insured building - or containing the insured objects - due to its partial or total destruction by the direct action of wind, hail on roofs, or snow accumulated on roofs, provided that the water damage occurred within 48 hours following the moment of partial or total destruction of the insured building.

    What we do not cover

    • Damage resulting from a lack of essential repairs or maintenance incumbent upon the Insured (both before and after the loss) except in cases of force majeure.
    • Damage caused directly or indirectly, even in the event of a storm, by runoff water, blockage, and backflow of sewers, floods, tidal waves, tides, overflow of springs, watercourses, and, more generally, by the sea and other natural or artificial bodies of water, as well as by moving masses of snow or ice.
    • Water damage and damage caused by wind to buildings that are not fully enclosed and covered, and to their contents.
    • Damage to the following buildings and their contents:
      - Buildings whose construction or roofing includes, in any proportion, sheets of any kind not installed and fixed according to standard practices;
      - Buildings closed with tarpaulins or whose construction or roofing includes, in any proportion, materials such as cardboard or bituminous felt, tarred cloth or paper, plastic sheets or films, not fixed on panels or close boarding according to standard practices.
    • However, damage to buildings and their contents caused by the weight of snow accumulated on roofs or by hail on roofs in the case of buildings whose walls only include the materials mentioned above remain covered by this agreement.
    • Damage:
      - To awnings, advertising panels, overhead wires, and their supports;
      - To construction or roofing glass elements and parts (such as windows, glass panes, stained glass, glass, frames, verandas, canopies, greenhouses) as well as those resulting from their partial or total destruction.
    • Damage caused by wind to constructions whose load-bearing elements are not anchored according to standard practices in foundations and substructures, as well as damage to the contents of such constructions.
    • Equipment, goods, personal furniture, located outdoors.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Fire, Explosion, Electrical Damage

    Details of the guarantee

    Fire, Explosion, Electrical Damage

    What we cover

    Damage, including that caused by any rescue measures, resulting from one of the following events:

    • Fire, meaning combustion with flames outside a normal hearth;
    • Lightning strike on insured property;
    • Explosions as well as water hammer from steam appliances (explosion is defined as the sudden and violent action of pressure or depression of gases or vapors);
    • Electrical accidents;
    • Impact or fall on insured property of all or part of aircraft and spacecraft or objects falling from them, as well as the shockwave accompanying the passage of a flying object;
    • Impact from an identified or unidentified land vehicle;
    • Destruction of the insured building(s) ordered by public authorities to prevent the spread of a fire;
    • Smoke damage regardless of origin;
    • Collapse of buildings.

    What we do not cover

    • Destruction or deterioration of currency, securities, valuables, and banknotes, belonging to or entrusted to the Insured, their family, or people living with them.
    • Theft of insured items during a fire, with the proof of theft being the responsibility of the Company.
    • Deterioration resulting from inherent defect, manufacturing defect, fermentation, or slow oxidation (only losses due to live combustion are covered); however, fire and explosion damage covered by the contract and resulting from these phenomena are included.
    • Damage caused to decorations of the co-owner or owner who deliberately leaves their property vacant and the occupying co-owner. This exclusion only applies to fire damage coverage and not to fire liability coverage.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Theft and Vandalism

    Details of the guarantee

    Theft and Vandalism

    What we cover


    We cover damage, disappearance, and destruction resulting from theft or attempted theft, affecting:

    • The building(s) and its outbuildings (including garage);
    • The boundary walls surrounding the property as well as retaining walls;
    • Enhancements, paintings, wallpapers, decorations, as well as various installations (sanitary installations, heating, etc.) carried out at the expense of the Insured and whether or not considered as fixtures, all of which the Insured owns or co-owns.

    We cover damage, destruction, and disappearance of the defined property below, resulting from theft or attempted theft committed inside the premises, whether there is a break-in or not.

    Regarding the Insured's employees, the coverage applies provided that the theft was committed outside their working or service hours.

    The coverage applies to:

    • Movable property with a unit value of €4,000 or less, furnishing common areas and/or used by the Insured's employees attached to the service or care of the building and not belonging to them;
    • Supplies and equipment used for the maintenance or heating of the building.

    All of which the Insured owns or co-owns.

    What we do not cover

    We exclude disappearances, destruction, and deterioration resulting from theft or attempted theft committed during a fire, explosion, or flood affecting the building containing the insured property.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Glass Breakage

    Details of the guarantee

    Glass Breakage

    What we cover

    We cover material damage if it results from:

    • The unintentional act of the Insured,
    • The act of their employees, family members, and any other person, including cases of malicious intent,
    • Theft, attempted theft, or a fight,
    • Construction defects or settling of buildings,
    • Object projection,
    • Hail, solar or artificial heat,
    • Storm, hurricane, waterspout, or cyclone,
    • Breaking the sound barrier.

    We cover the breakage of the following items, owned by the insured or belonging to the condominium:

    • Silvered or non-silvered glass, glass products, and mirror items, fixed or mobile, tempered or not, insulating, tinted or filtering, located in the common areas of the insured buildings;
    • Stained glass, including their frames;
    • Accessories such as door handles, whether made of glass products or not, paints, and locks, exclusively when their deterioration occurs during a covered breakage;
    • Glass railings, partition walls of balconies, curtain walls, partial wall coverings, as well as their frames or casings;
    • Skylights and domes;
    • Marble (except those used as floor coverings);
    • Glass panels of solar and photovoltaic panels installed on the building itself.

    The coverage is extended:

    • To private areas in case of lack of insurance or insufficient insurance of the occupant or non-occupant co-owner;
    • To transparent or translucent plastic products performing the same functions as glass products.

    What we do not cover

    • Damage occurring during any work carried out on the insured items, their frames, mountings, fittings, or enclosures, or during their installation, removal, transportation, storage.
    • Deposited objects, scratches, chips or flakes, deterioration of silvering or paints, breakage caused by the aging or lack of maintenance of mountings, frames, or bases.
    • The following objects: chandeliers, bulbs.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

    Details of the guarantee

    Natural Disasters and Technological Disasters

    What we cover


    Financial compensation for direct material damage to all insured property caused by the abnormal intensity of a natural agent. The guarantee can only be activated after the publication of an interministerial decree in the Official Journal of the French Republic acknowledging the state of natural disaster.


    All accidental damage suffered by the insured property resulting from a technological disaster.

    Full reimbursement of demolition, clearing, pumping, disinfection, decontamination, and cleaning costs.

    The guarantee is activated after the publication in the Official Journal of the French Republic of the administrative authority's decision acknowledging the state of technological disaster.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Civil Liability

    During a visit to an occupant of the condominium building, a person gets their coat caught in the elevator. Result: a torn coat and a sprained wrist. The condominium multi-risk insurance covers the compensation.

    Details of the guarantee

    Civil Liability

    What we cover

    The financial consequences of civil liability that the Insured may incur in case of bodily injury caused to their employees by a work accident (or occupational disease) resulting from:

    • An INEXCUSABLE FAULT committed either by the Insured themselves or by a person they have substituted in the management of the condominium,
    • Or an INTENTIONAL FAULT committed by one of their employees.

    The financial consequences of civil liability that the Insured may incur in case of damages caused by the retaining walls surrounding the building as well as by hydraulic elevators.

    What we do not cover

    Damages for which the Insured is responsible and suffered by:

    • Themselves, their spouse, their ascendants and descendants and their spouses, however, the coverage applies to claims that the social security or any other compulsory social protection body might be entitled to exercise against the Insured due to bodily injury caused to these persons when their affiliation to these bodies does not result from their relationship with the Insured;
    • Their associates during joint activities;
    • Their employees in the exercise of their duties.

    Damages to property or animals:

    • Owned, rented, deposited, kept, or held by the responsible Insured or the persons for whom they are civilly responsible;
    • During or on the occasion of their transport, installation, repair, or any work performed on them by the Insured or the persons for whom they are responsible;
    • Material and immaterial damages caused by a fire, explosion, or water damage occurring in the premises insured under this contract. These damages are covered by one of the guarantees provided for fire and water damage annexes.

    Bodily, material, and immaterial damages, whether consecutive or not, caused directly or indirectly by:

    • Asbestos;
    • Lead.

    Damages caused by:

    • Motor vehicles, their trailers and semi-trailers, the objects and substances they transport, including due to the fall of these accessories, objects, substances, and products;
    • Self-propelled construction or handling machinery subject to compulsory motor vehicle insurance legislation;
    • Aerial, space, maritime, river, or lake navigation devices as well as railway equipment.

    Damages resulting from the production by any device or equipment of electric or magnetic fields or electromagnetic radiation.

    The financial consequences of decennial civil liability and all compulsory insurance.

    Damages resulting from the social management of the Insured vis-à-vis employees and job applicants.

    Entrusted property.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Defense Claims

    Details of the guarantee

    Defense Claims

    What we commit to do

    Claim, either amicably or before any court, financial compensation for:

    • Bodily injury caused to the Insured due to the insured property under this contract;
    • Material damage (and resulting immaterial damage) caused to the Insured's property for which civil liability risk coverage applies.

    By an accident, fire, explosion, or water, engaging, under Articles 1240 to 1244 of the Civil Code, the civil liability of a person other than the Insured, their spouse, their ascendants and descendants, their associates during joint activities, their employees during their service. There is no insurance coverage for material and immaterial damage caused to premises (and their contents) owned, rented, or occupied by the Insured in any capacity, by fire, explosion, or water.

    Defend the Insured if they are summoned to court in France, following damage for which they are the author or responsible, and cover the legal costs incurred for this defense. This extension can only apply exclusively following damage covered under the "Civil Liability" insurance. The Company does not cover fines or other penalties or financial judgments.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

  • Machinery Breakdown

    Details of the guarantee

    Machinery Breakdown

    What we cover

    Unexpected destruction or deterioration suffered by the following equipment:

    • Boilers;
    • Heat pumps;
    • Elevators and freight elevators;
    • Air conditioning and air treatment installations;
    • Pool installations;
    • Water treatment installations such as water softeners;
    • Mechanisms of automatic garage doors;
    • Transformers;
    • Household waste compaction installations,

    when these installations are part of the insured buildings, are in normal maintenance and operating condition, and are subject to a maintenance contract. This guarantee can only be applied if no other guarantee of the interlayer (except defense claims) can apply.

    What we do not cover

    The following are excluded:

    • Damage limited to parts of an insured item whose lifespan is significantly shorter than that of the item as a whole or that requires frequent replacement due to its function.
    • Damage caused by defects known to you at the time of contract subscription.
    • Wear and tear, the prolonged effect of use, or non-compliant use with the manufacturer’s specifications.
    • The reactivation or maintenance in service of damaged equipment before its complete and final repair.
    • Installations intended for the private use of occupants.

    For the full terms and conditions, refer to the general conditions.

Assurimo’s Building Multi-Risk Insurance protects you more and better

Our insurance for condominiums includes numerous guarantees by default that are usually optional...

  • No penalty for errors in insured surface area

  • New value compensation up to 33% over 3 years

  • Rent loss coverage for 3 years in case of fire or water damage

  • Collapse coverage if there is a hazard

  • Moving damage without an identified third party

  • Free civil liability for AG

  • ...and many more!

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is Building Multi-Risk Insurance and why take it out?

    Building Multi-Risk Insurance (MRI) covers damage and civil liability for buildings or condominiums that may be used for residential, commercial, or other professional activities. These buildings can be fully or partially rented, or occupied by the owner(s).

  • What is a deductible and is it mandatory?

    A deductible is the amount that remains the responsibility of the insured in the event of a loss. For example: if insurance is taken out with a €500 deductible and a €1,000 damage occurs, the insurer will pay €500 and the insured will cover €500. Some deductibles are mandatory by law (natural disasters). Others are customary (electrical damage, storm, vandalism...). Apart from these specific guarantees, it is possible to find insurance solutions without a general deductible depending on the characteristics of the building.

  • Is multi-risk insurance for condominiums mandatory?

    While there is no legal obligation to take out insurance for the condominium, it is very often made mandatory by the condominium regulations and the syndic is liable in case of lack of insurance. Similarly, in the event of a loss, co-owners will have to pay their share.

  • Are all building multi-risk insurances equivalent?

    No, there can be significant differences in guarantees from one company to another that will manifest during a loss. It is therefore important to be vigilant about the guarantees provided by the insurance and their limits, as well as the deductibles.

  • Why is Assurimo's MRI insurance rate so attractive?

    Assurimo searches for the best guarantees at the best price for its clients. With more than 33,000 buildings insured throughout France, Assurimo is able to negotiate the best guarantees at very competitive rates, renegotiated every year, with the largest companies in the market.

  • Why are the guarantees offered by Assurimo's MRI better than others?

    Beyond the rate, Assurimo has negotiated advantageous guarantee conditions for its clients. Assurimo’s multi-risk condominium insurance automatically includes numerous guarantees that are usually optional (non-exhaustive list): - No penalty for errors in insured surface area, - Payment of indirect losses in fire and water damage (DDE), - Rent loss coverage for 3 years in fire and DDE, - Collapse coverage if there is a hazard, - Runoff water, - Water loss without consequential damage, - Infiltration through ventilation ducts (chimney, technical shaft…) or through closed openings, - Moving damage without an identified third party, - Damage caused by law enforcement, - Vandalism (including graffiti), - Free civil liability for AG.

  • What is a LCI?

    A LCI is the Contractual Indemnity Limitation. In case of a loss, the insurer will intervene up to this amount set in the special conditions when the insurance was taken out, all guarantees combined.

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